Sunday, February 27, 2011

Who Says Getting Older Is Boring?

This past week I flew down to see my parents in Arizona. Now that they are retired they are snowbirds and go to Yuma, Arizona for three months each year. After all the stories last year I had to go find out for myself what it was all about. Let's just say those retired people wore me out! They all know how to have a good time. I decided the best way to describe it was like going to a college town 50 years later. They are buzzing around all over the place and are busy from sun up to sun down. They are playing sports, going to do daily activities, lunches, dinners, happy hour, parties, the girls socialize the boys socialize it is quite cute. Hence the title of my post there is nothing boring about being retired. I have always been fearful of getting older but heck look at all the fun I get to look forward to.

Mom and Dad had an itinerary all put together upon my arrival. First up was tennis on Thursday morning. Dad plays tennis four days a week with a group of people. They were all very sweet. Most are french-Canadians that live in the park they stay in and they are quite cute and funny!

Nice form Dad!

I think that one is out.

Next on the itinerary was to get some sun as apparently I had brought rain and cold weather with me and of the days I was going to be there Thursday was going to be the best day. People were not very happy with me. It even rained and it hadn't rained in over a month.

On Friday the itinerary said we were going to Algadones, Mexico. This was unlike any other trip I have made to Mexico. We drove to California which is only 30 minutes away from where mom an dad stay. We then parked the car and walked across with the hundreds of other people who were doing the same thing. This little boarder town is a major hot spot for dental work, optometrists, prescription drugs (although no prescription is needed), cheap haircuts and booze. On a daily basis this town is swarmed with retirees from surrounding areas coming to get their drugs but dirt cheap, haircuts for $3.00 and if you need a crown you would probably pay around $250.00. About every other shop you walk past is a dentist office, optometrist or a pharmacy. All of the retail has been pushed out onto the sidewalks. Instead of being asked to come look at jewelry, purses, etc. they are asking if you want your teeth cleaned, eyes checked, etc. We went for the experience and so I could see what Mom and Dad had been talking about and yes both Mom and Dad have had dental work done down there and their friends have been going to the same dentist down there for over 10 years. Guess it must be okay but I am still a bit skeptical.

Isn't he cute?? He was so happy to sell
Sheral the candy wrapper purses
for her granddaughters.
Here we are on the sidewalk shopping.
Cheaper than Walmart??

Look at the colors they are beautiful!

I'll take one of those please! :) She was so adorable sitting amongst the t-shirts.
As we were circling the block shopping we ran across a line which led to a shrimp and fish taco stand. Mom and Dad had heard about this so we decided to check it out. It was worth the wait in line for sure. I don't think they were better than  mine but authentic none the less and with a cold Corona they were even better.
On Saturday the rain came like they said it was going to so we went shopping. I had heard all about the isles and isles of trinkets, junk and finds at the Arizona Markets so we went to one that they call the Mervyns Market and another which is called the Arizona Market. If I thought Mexico was overwhelming these are probably worse. I don't have many pictures unfortunately but really you could get just about anything you can imagine and for cheap. 
This was just sandals. You could find watches, sunglasses, purses, beads, tools, clothes, art, etc. that was just like this.
 As the weather improved a little bit on Saturday afternoon we went to Downtown Yuma which was quite cute as well. On the way we went past the cemetery and it was beautiful so we stopped for pictures.

On Sunday we were on our way out to see Norm and Rosemary. They stay outside of Yuma bout 30 minutes in the desert. On the way to see them we drove through the Proving Grounds which is the Army Base in Yuma where they quality control all military equipment to "prove" it will hold up in real world use.

Literally the middle of nowhere!

We also ran across a cute little, I should say tiny, tiny church that was along the roadside. We stopped for more photo opportunities. It was built by a farmer for his wife.

Isn't it cute?
I was signing the guestbook.

Still making our way to see Norm and Rosemary we ran across the "Liberry" otherwise known as a Library/Bookmobile. It functions on the honor system and each year someone brings it out to the desert and just leaves it there during peak season.

Did you find a good book mom?
Pretty funny huh??
One more item on the itinerary before I can go home and that is going to Martha's Gardens which is a date farm. Mom wanted to go get a date shake. I decided after going that I am not a big date fan but mom liked it. The date palms were very pretty and it was a nice afternoon so it was a fun stop.

So after tennis, craft fairs, art shows, Mexico, shopping at the markets, happy hour, screw your neighbor (card game), pegs and jokers, visiting new friends, family, a couple hours of sunshine, shuffleboard, geocaching and last but not least trying to keep up with it all it was time to go home or was it? I had joked before I left about taking a bump if offered so I could extend my vacation not thinking it would really happen. Well, it didn't quite happen like that. Mom and Dad took me to the airport, I got on the plane, got to the runway, pilot started up the engine and backed it off tried it again and next thing I new we were headed back to the terminal. They had us get off the plane back through arrivals and to wait while they fixed the plane before going through security again. In the meantime my flight from Phoenix to Seattle was leaving in about 40 minutes and I was not going to make it. I called up Mom and Dad told them I was staying and they came back and got me so my vacation was extended a day and a half after all. Funny how things work out.

It was a fabulous trip and it was great to share in all of the experiences Mom and Dad are having. Never a dull moment and not much time to rest that is for sure! Thanks for a great time, cheers and until next time.