Yesterday I had the nice surprise of an afternoon off at the Mariners. One of my Loan Officers thought it would be a great team building exercise and he was offered some excellent seats. Now that I think about it maybe it was just an excuse to be out of the office... naaa!!! :) So off we went with a couple others to watch the Mariners beat the Blue Jays. Well, that was what we were wanting to see. No such luck!
Row 11 right behind the Mariner dugout. Pretty cool! |
Go, go, go!!! |
Good job boys, maybe next time you will get em! |
We started off the game okay as it was tied up at 1 and 1 in the 3rd but that quickly went away and the Blue Jays kicked the Mariners butts. It was the 8th inning where they scored 6 runs that really was the Mariners dimise. Nonetheless it was a great afternoon of team building, networking, a couple of home runs, cheers and a few beers. I felt spoiled to be out of the office during the middle of the day with fabulous seats at the game. Cheers and until next time!