Monday, February 20, 2012

Hoot Hoot ....... Owl Watching

Will's Mom, Aunt and Uncle had been up to see the Snowy Owls in Canada and told us they were quite beautiful. Apparently every five years or so the Snowy Owls come to Boundary Bay during the Winter from the Artic. They stay for several months before returning when they know they will be able to find food. Sounds pretty amazing the trip they make and that they know when to return.

The location in which they are at is only about 45 minutes from Bellingham so Will and I went up with Chris and Aunt Julie to see them. It was a perfect day not to mention an adventurous one. Without too many details I will just say we irritated a die hard bird watcher and had a run in with a Canadian driver. Will is not very patient as most of you probably already know. Besides all of that and a little bit of lens envy all was good. :)

My pictures while I took many I don't have many good ones to share. We saw a lot of the backs of their heads. I will have to steal some from Chris who had a lens that got closer to them and who had been before so had more opportunities for that perfect shot.

Some serious birders here.

This is Boundary Bay
Remember above my mention of lens envy? These people had lenses that probably cost more than some cars do. These people are serious about their birds and their pictures.

Here is my attempt with my, I might mention, borrowed lens from Chris which has a better zoom than mine. I think I need some more practice.

The owls didn't do much. For the most part they sat and would every once in a while move their head back and forth. There was one that flew away but silly me I had turned my camera off and couldn't get it back on in time once I realized it was off to get a picture. Darn!!!

There were probably 30 or so owls at most in the area in which we were. This photo shows you where the biggest concentration of them were. Beyond that they were either by themselves or groups of two or three.

Getting pretty for the camera.
I spy with my little eye an Eagle. Can you see him??

The road that gets you out to the beach was interesting. Not only was it lined with Eagles but it was swampy fields with run down barns, houses that looked like they were sinking into the earth, an airport, a links style golf course and houses that looked that this.........

The trail along the water in which we walked was very nice. I think it is roughly nine miles. At the start of the trail where we were was a few sculptures and since we were there to look at birds I took a picture of this one...

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and if you want further details about our adventures talk to Chris and Will. They made the day entertaining. Love you both!! Cheers and until next time.


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